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The Chamber

The Legal & District Chamber of Commerce is a member-driven, volunteer-led organization committed to helping local businesses, like yours, become more successful. We do that by engaging, supporting and advocating for the Legal business community.

Our Members

Our members are hard-working local entrepreneurs who employ local workers and serve primarily local consumers. The quality of life in Legal & District is directly linked to their success.

With that in mind, we strongly encourage you to shop local and search our directory for a local businesses.

Upcoming Events

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Monthly and Annual Chamber Meetings are open to Members and the General Public interested in (the growth of) Business in Legal & District.


Join us at the Citadel Center (4812-51 Ave) Legal. 

Legal Farmer's Market

We’re looking for more vendors to join us at our weekly Farmer’s Market – held every Friday from 3pm until 7pm at Heidi’s Haus.

If you’re interested in joining us as a vendor, check out this page

For everyone else: we’re looking forward to seeing you!

Local Sports and Recreation Grant

Thanks to our generous sponsors and the town of Legal, the Chamber is excited to introduce the new Local Sports and Recreation Grant.

This grant is designed for local non-profit sports and recreation groups, and is intended to be used for the purchase of equipment, uniforms and training clinics required to meet the needs of a group or league team.

News & Updates

We’re constantly working on staying up-to-date on the issues that have an impact on your business and keeping you informed 


An Opportunity Development Co-op is a way for local money to be invested into a local business.

It works similarly to an RRSP but instead of your money being invested in far off business ventures, you get to see your money put to work to build business in your own community.

Investments are paid back with a rate of return competitive with most RRSP’s and can then be reinvested in subsequent projects.

There have been many success stories using this funding model. For example, Sangudo Meats was transformed from a vacant space to a thriving business through just such a co-op. Check out more of their story!

If you are interested either as a potential investor or an entrepreneur with an idea, please contact us